Advice of Prophet Eisa (as)

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In the name of Allah

Imam Sadiq (as):

O son of Jundab, verily Eisa son of Marium (upon him be salaam) said to his disciples, if you come across your fellow brother and see his clothing has uncovered his private parts, will you undress him so that his parts are evident completely or will you cover them?
They all said, we will cover it.

He replied, no, you will uncover it completely. They thought it is a parable and inquired as to what it meant?

He replied, you come across a secret of your brother, but do not hide it. This is a fact that I tell you that you will never get to what you want but that you discard what you like. You will not get to your desires but by being patient with that you dislike. Mind your looks as looks create temptations in the heart and that is enough for one to fall in the traps of trials. Lucky is he who has placed his looks in his heart and has not placed his looks in his eyes. Do not look at the faults of mankind like their lords but look into your own shortcomings like a slave.
Surely, people are of two kinds suffering and blessed. Have mercy on him who is suffering and praise Allah for the well being.

My Salaams to My Imam in an Envelope of Noor.

Translated by &
Iltemase Dua
Hayder Shirazi