Category: <span>Wise Talk</span>

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Consequences of actions

AmirulMomineen Ali (as) , When the intentions pollute, trials befell. Ghurarul Hikam, Hadith 4021 Sheikh Rajab Ali Khayyat, one of the great mystics of the recent past says, I was in the bazar, a makrooh, an undesirable thought came to my mind. I quickly repented and sought the Almighty Allah’s forgiveness by Isteghfaar and continued...



The Angel of Death entered upon prophet Daood (as). The prophet stood … He (as) said, Welcome, greetings to my brother and my beloved Malakul Mout! Have you come to take me or to visit? He replied, I have come to talk to you about this young man in your meeting. Ten days remain from...


The Day of Regret

Imam Sadiq (as) was inquired, When is the Day of ‘Hasrat’ i.e. regret? The Day of Regret for which the Almighty Allah has warned. Imam (as) replied, it is the Day of Judgment. A Day, wherein the vitreous will also regret as to why they did not do better. He further asked, will anyone not...


To Be Worry Free

To be relaxed…To be happy…To be worry-free Seek refuge in God Perform wudhoo with cold water Keep away from everything that makes you angry Be patient Pray Offer salaat on time Remember God Undoubtedly, salaat, dua, tawba, patience, tolerance are the most effective actions that enlighten and enliven the soul as a result give tranquility...


Life is Amazing

Two things ruin man 1. Occupied in the past 2. Occupied for others One who remains in his past loses his future. One who watches the actions of others, loses more than half of his own comfort. The best revenge in life is to carry on with your life and forget all bad and bitter...


Advice of Prophet Eisa (as)

In the name of Allah Imam Sadiq (as): O son of Jundab, verily Eisa son of Marium (upon him be salaam) said to his disciples, if you come across your fellow brother and see his clothing has uncovered his private parts, will you undress him so that his parts are evident completely or will you...