Consequences of actions

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AmirulMomineen Ali (as) ,
When the intentions pollute, trials befell.
Ghurarul Hikam, Hadith 4021

Sheikh Rajab Ali Khayyat, one of the great mystics of the recent past says,
I was in the bazar, a makrooh, an undesirable thought came to my mind. I quickly repented and sought the Almighty Allah’s forgiveness by Isteghfaar and continued with my task….

A little further a train of camels passed by, suddenly one of the camels threw a kick towards me, had it hit and if I had not moved back, it would have been dangerous.

I went to the mosque, thought a lot, that everything is calculated, then what was this camel kick towards me?

I was told, Sheikh that kick was due to the makrooh thought.

I replied, but I did no wrong …

I was told, and the camel’s kick did not hit you either …!!!

The law of consequences of actions rules in the universe, even a negative thought can have a negative effect.

My Salaams to My Imam in an Envelope of Noor.