His Justice

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🌟 Wise Insights
🌟🌟🌟 His Justice

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💛 Why are the oppressors safe and Happy?

🌹 السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ

Why are a few punished in this world for their faintest sins and a few others commit all sins, horrendous crimes and they seem successful, day by day …

🌟 So, where is God’s Justice?

👥 People are of 3⃣ kinds
📍 Eye Glasses
📍 Blankets
📍 Rugs, Carpets

🔸 A tea stain on your glasses, you gently clean it with a wipe.

🔸 The same stain on a blanket, we wait for the hamper to fill and wash it on full power, hot long bedding wash.

🔸 The stains on a rug or a carpet, we wait until the spring cleaning. The rug is treated with heavy machinery, scrubbed, rubbed, and treated with pain…

🌟 The Merciful God, treats the Momineen like a pair of glasses.

His pure and good servants, they whose place is on the eyes.

The moment they do wrong, he quickly, in this world, cleanses them, very gently.

📛 Some others, He waits for the right time. He then deals with them most severely.

🔥 As for those, 🔥corrupt, 🔥 sinful, 🔥thick skinned 🔥 oppressors, 🔥
He leaves them to further sin ….🔥🔥🔥His wrath , 🔥His most painful 🔥🔥🔥 chastisement awaits them 🔥🔥🔥


🌹My Pure Salaams to MY Imam (as)
in an envelope of Noor.

🌹 Iltemase Dua
🌹 Hayder Shirazi
🕋 Abraar.org

💞 Have Hope in Him
💞 He is All Justice
💞 Trust His Word