What do you know about your 12th Imam (as)

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🕋 السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ

Know more ….
What do you know about your 12th Imam (as)❓

🔵 At what age was he appointed as an Imam?
✅👉🏻 Five

🔴 How long was the duration of the minor occultation?
✅👉🏻 69 years.

🔵 The major occultation started in the year?
✅👉🏻 329 After Hijra (Lunar Calendar)

🔴 Among the initial signs of Imam’s (as) return?
✅👉🏻 The rising of the sun from the West.

🔵 Who are the representatives of the Imam (as) in the era of his ghaybat (occultation)?
✅👉🏻 The esteemed Maraje’, those who know the sciences of the Holy Quran and the hadith.

🔴 What was written on the imam’s right arm, when he was born?
✅👉🏻 Ayat 81 Surat 17
جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ ۚ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا
The truth has arrived, and the falsehood has vanished; Indeed falsehood is bound to vanish.’

🔵 Which of the Masumeen has said, ‘The time of zuhoor, the return is with Allah, whosoever specifies it is a liar.’?
✅👉🏻 Imam Mahdi (as)

🔴 What, from among the inheritances from the prophets (as) he will bring with him?
✅👉🏻 The pulpit (minbar) of Prophet Sulaiman (as).

🔵 What day will he appear?
✅👉🏻 Friday

🔴 His zuhoor, arrival will be from which place?
✅👉🏻 The holy city of Makkah

🔵 The first ayat he will recite will be?
✅👉🏻 Surat Hud 11, ayat 86
بَقِيَّتُ اللَّهِ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ
Baqiyatullah, remnant of Allah is better for you, should you be faithful.

🔴 The place of his rule after his arrival?
✅👉🏻 The city of Koofa (Iraq)

🔵 His capital, his head quarters will be in?
✅👉🏻 Masjid Koofa (Iraq)

🔴 The first batch of his supporters will swear allegiance with the Imam (as), where?
✅👉🏻 The Holy Kaba, the House of Allah, between the Rukn and the Maqaam.

🔵 The first batch (circle) of his supporters, how many are they?
✅👉🏻 313

🔴 How many women will support the Imam (as) from the first batch?
✅👉🏻 13 or 50 from 313

🔵 The first to swear allegiance with the compassionate Imam (as) is?
✅👉🏻 Jibrail (as), the angel Gabriel.

🔴 When the awaited Imam (as) appears, which prophet will offer prayers behind him (as)?
✅👉🏻 Jesus, Prophet Eisa, (as)

🔵 The name of his house, as stated in the hadith?
✅👉🏻 Baytul Hamd بیت الحمد

🔴 What is the name of his sword?
✅👉🏻 Sayfullah سیف الله

🔵 How many long duas have been reported from the benevolent Imam (as)
✅👉🏻 Forty

🔴 Which mosque was built upon the special instructions of the merciful Imam (as)?
✅👉🏻 The Sacred Mosque Jamkaran (Qum, Islamic Republic of Iran).

🔵 The resemblance between Imam Mahdi (as) and Prophet Noah (as) ?
✅👉🏻 The long age

🔴 The best of worships in this era of ghaybat, occultation is?
✅👉🏻 To wait for the Faraj, the relief, the return of the Imam (as).

🔵 Which ziyarat is the Imam’s?
✅👉🏻 Ziyarat Aale Yaasin

🔴 The special dua of the Awaited Imam (as)?
✅👉🏻 Dua al-Ahd

🔵 How many rak’at is the special prayer of the kind Imam (as)?
✅👉🏻 2 rak’ats

🔴 Which dua has been emphasized by the caring Imam (as) to be recited regularly?
✅👉🏻 Dua Faraj

For the well being, safe keeping and a hastened return of the compassionate Imam Mahdi (as)
🌹 Salawaat 🌹
🌹 🌹 Salawaat 🌹🌹
🌹 🌹 🌹 Salawaat🌹🌹🌹

Translation & Iltemase Dua

Hayder Shirazi

🕋 Abraar.org
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