💕 Let’s Learn …….

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💕 Let’s Learn …….

السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ رَحْمَ*ةُ اللهِ

👬 Two friends went camping …
As to when they should take a break to rest, they disputed, one of them got upset and slapped the other really hard ….

👬 The one who was slapped, was very hurt, did not utter a word …. on the seashore, where he sat, he wrote …
🚶They continued … as they were walking pass the deeper end of waters on the trail 👣👣👣…
👬The one who was slapped, he tripped and fell in the deep end of the sea, the other friend saved him 🚣🏼‍♀….
He was saved, was breathless, by a big rock, ⛰ searched for a sharp stone … breathing heavily, with a lot of difficulty…. carved on the rock …

😳😳😳 Much amazed, his friend said,
💡There you wrote on the shore and here you carved on the rock. Why❓

The latter replied,
📛 When I see bad, I must write on sand, so that it is washed away easily by a tiny wave ….
💖 When care, love, affection and kindness is rendered,
It must be engraved on a hard rock, so that it remains for ever… ❗️❗️❗️

🌟🌟 B U T 🌟🌟

🕯Sometimes you must not forgive him, who you have forgiven a lot, yet he did not understand …
💡Now let him wish, that you forgive him.

🕯Sometimes, one must not observe patience. Let go … leave … so that they know, that then , when you waited, you knew to leave too …!

🕯Sometimes, you must show and favor your tasks. So that they are not considered less important.

🕯Sometimes, one should be bad …!!! This is for him who does not differentiate between your good and ….

🕯Sometimes, people should be reminded of losing the loved ones …
💡They don’t remain for ever.
At some point, they open the door and leave for ever.

Iltemase dua
Hayder Shirazi
🕋 Abraar.org
