Life is Amazing

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Two things ruin man
1. Occupied in the past
2. Occupied for others

One who remains in his past loses his future. One who watches the actions of others, loses more than half of his own comfort.

The best revenge in life is to carry on with your life and forget all bad and bitter incidents.
Do not allow anyone to look at, enjoy or feel sorry for your mishaps and pains.
Make, being happy, the motto of your life and beautifully draw the path of your life ahead.

Always be happy. Do not expect anything from anyone as expectations are damaging.
Life is short. Be happy, always smile, hear before you say, think before you write. Forgive before you pray. Feel before you afflict. Love before you hate. This is life, feel it and enjoy it.

I asked God, how can I live better?
God replied, accept your past without any regret.
With confidence, pass your present.
Be prepared for the future without fear.
Save your faith, and set aside all fear.
Never believe in your doubts nor doubt your belief.
Life is amazing, if you know how to live.

The tongue addresses the Almighty and says in the Hereafter:
God! You’ve punished me such severe that no other part is such punished?
His, the Almighty’s reply, from you a word was uttered that reached the East and the West, it caused devastation, it ruined, it killed and caused bloodshed and plunder.
‘By My Might, By My Honor, I will punish you such that no other part is punished.’

My Salaams to My Imam in an Envelope of Noor.