
Home / Wise Tips / Tawakkul

✨ To Trust & to Rely
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السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ


💎 Tawakkul is to allow God to take the charge 🌙

🌛 You just want and hope ✨

💎 Be happy !!!
Have faith that all your dreams, are pouring like rain 🌙

🌟 Be happy and thankful that 💫 GOD will bestow not according to your dreams 🌛 but according to your faith, your belief in Him⚡

•❄🌕❥ 🌕✨ 🤲🏻✨

💥 Salawaat is to get purified. To be cleansed from all sins …

💎 AbuHamza inquired, Imam Sadiq (as),
How do I send salutations upon Muhammad and his progeny?

💎 He (as) replied,
🌙 Say,

«صلوات اللّه و صلوات ملائكته و انبيائه و رسله و جميع خلقه على محمد و ال محمد و السلام عليه و عليهم و رحمه اللّه و بركاته.»

🌹 Salutations of Allah, His angels, His prophets, His messengers and His all creation be upon Muhammad and his progeny. And salaam be upon him and them and the Mercy of Allah and His Favors be on them ….
💫 I said,
🕯 And its reward would be …

🌹 He, upon him be salaam replied,
🌟 By God! He will be freed from sins, like one who has just been born. 🌙

♥ Prophet Eisa (as) passed by a temple in a desert. A worshiper lived there.

As he was speaking to the worshipper, a young lad, drowned in all kinds of sins passed by them.

When he saw Prophet Eisa (as) and the worshipper, his legs went numb, he could not walk.

There, he stood and said,
GOD! I am ashamed of my actions!
If your Prophet sees me, tells me off, what will I do?
GOD! Accept my apology, I hereby sincerely repent. Do not defame me nor disgrace me …!!!

💎 The worshiper, looked at the young lad and said,
GOD! Do not resurrect me with this sinner, on the Day of Judgment …. !!!

The Almighty, revealed to His Prophet,
Say to this worshiper …
💎 WE have indeed accepted your dua, WE will not raise you with this young lad. He, because of his repentance is among those to whom the Paradise will be granted and your pride has taken you to the Hell.

🌟✨ Imam Sadiq (as),
💎 One who says
💎💎💎 «یا اللّٰه» 💎💎💎
💎💎 Ya Allah x 10 💎💎
He is addressed,
💎 Labbayk My Servant …
💎 Ask what you want, so I respond to you ….

🌸 Be Optimistic
🌸 Be Hopeful
🌸 Repent & Return

Iltemase Dua
Hayder Shirazi
🕋 Abraar.org