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Q: Salamun Alaikum Maulana Sahab.
I wanted to clear my confusion regarding the wearing of Amulets (Taveez) around the neck.
A cousin of mine had some medical/mental issue and his parents think that whenever he’s wore the amulet, it has helped him. I have read online that wearing Amulets is considered Gunnah and it does more harm than any good.
I would really appreciate it if you shine a light on this issue.

A: Salamun Alaikum

Taweez is dua. It is prescribed by the Masumeen (as). It is in a way a tawassul to the Almighty Allah.

Seems you’ve come across the Wahhabi/ Salafi material and this has raised this doubt.

Always avoid getting your Deen from Google. Most of the Islamic material online is availed for you by Satanic Search Engines.

Duas, azkar, recitals, ziyarat, tawassulaat and all observances through the right channels are honored, emphasized and have their effect too.

During the time of AmirulMomineen (as) one of the rulers was afflicted with severe headaches. The best of physicians could not help him. He sought the Imam (as).
Imam sent him a cap and instructed him to wear it.
He was cured.

He was curious to know what was in the cap. He ripped it and found ‘Bismillah ….’ written and sewn in the cap.

This is taweez.

NB … Deen, Dunya, Akhirat, Heaven, Siraat and every way of living can be sought only via the Prophet (sa) & the AhlulBayt (as).

Always @ ur service.
Iltemase Dua
Hayder Shirazi