Title of Seyed al-Shuhada

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Salamun Alykum Sir,
I want to understand who gave the title of Saiyyid us Shohada to Imam Hussain a.s?As this title was firstly given to Hazrat Hamza a.s the uncle of our Prophet saww by the Prophet himself.

السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَ بَرَكَاتَهُ 🌻

💦 The title ‘Seyed al-Shuhada was given by the Prophet (sa) after the Shahadat of Hazrat Hamza (as) in the battle of Ohod.

Later based upon numerous quotes from all Masumeen (as) and the Apostle (sa) this title was given to AbaAbdillah al-Husayn (as).

💦 In his last moments he the Prophet (as) in his wasiyat mentions many issues, the incidents to unfold, the Imams after AmirulMomineen Ali (as) and addresses Imam Husayn (as) as Seyed al-Shuhada.

💦 In the Ziyarat we see that the Title Seyed al- Shuhada is for Imam Husayn (as) and Hazrat Hamza (as) is addressed as Khayr al-Shuhada خير الشهداء .

💦 A similar title is seen for Hazrat Zahra (as) and Hazrat Maryam (as). Seyedat al-Nisaa سيدة النساء.

💦 Here the Prophet (sa) such explains.

💦 Maryam (as) is the Seyeda the chief of the women of her time whereas Fatima (as) is the Seyeda of all women of all times in all Worlds.

💦 Likewise …
Hamza (as) is the Seyed of the shuhada of his time where as AbaAbdillah (as) is the Seyed of all Shuhada of all times in ‘Alameen.

Thank you & Iltemase Dua
Hayder Shirazi