Unto Him

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باسمه تعالي

🌟 Wise Lessons

🕋 Abraar.org

🌹 السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ

📚 Story Time
💡A man was travelling with his father. … Father died.

💛 He inquired a shepherd, who performs funeral services and would say prayers on his father…

💛 The shepherd replied, no one in particular for this task. I offer the funeral prayers.

💛 The son said. Please offer 0prayers on my father.

💛 The shepherd stood before the deceased and whispered a few sentences and said, prayers are done.

🧡 The man said, what kind of a prayer was this…?!!

💛 The shepherd replied, I don’t know any better than this…!

💛 The helpless son, buried his father and continued with his journey.

💛 That night in a dream, saw his father has been given a very lofty rank and blessed with every blessing.

💛 He asked his father, how did you achieve this tranquility and comfort…?

💛 Father replied, all I have is due to the shepherd’s prayers ….!!!

💛 Next day, the son, came to the shepherd and asked, what did you say to God by my father’s body in your prayers?

💛 The shepherd replied,
By the body, a connection was created between me and God.

💛 I said to Him, the Almighty,
If the deceased was alive and was my guest tonight, I would have slaughtered one of my lambs and would have hosted him.

💛 GOD..! Tonight he is Your guest, I’ll see how You host him and how You deal with him…!!!
Wise Talk…!!! ♡💞♡💞

🌟 At times, duas of a pure, sincere heart are far better than a hundred prayers of a disturbed heart.


☀ When you miss your prayers.
Don’t justify by saying that you had no time to pray.

Ponder, think, reflect ….
What have you done?
For which sin did He not allow you to stand before Him …!!!

Wise Think …!!!

📚 Story Time
🌟 Wise Lesson

💚 One day at Mount Toor,
Prophet Moosa (as), in his whispered prayers said to God,

O Lord of the Worlds…!!!
A reply was heard …
💎 Labbayk …!!! 💎
💎💎 I.e. @ your service, here I come …!!

He then said,
O Lord of the obedient … !!!
The reply was ….
💎 Labbayk 💎

He further said
O Lord of the sinners … !!!

The reply was
💎 Labbayk
💎💎 Labbayk
💎💎💎 Labbayk

He Moosa (as) said,
📍I sought You by Your Best names …
💎 You replied once…!
📍📍But when I sought you as the Lord of the sinners …!!
💎💎 You responded THRICE…?!!

GOD said,
Moosa …!
Those who know, with their knowledge …
The good, due to their good …
And the obedient rely on their obedience … !!!

As for the sinners, they have no shelter but in My Grace.

If I too, break their hopes, where do they get refuge?

📚 Qisas alTawwabeen
📘 Page 198

رحمة الله عليهم اجمعين


🌹My Pure Salaams to MY Imam (as)
in an envelope of Noor.

🌹 Iltemase Dua
🌹 Hayder Shirazi
🕋 Abraar.org

💞 Hope in Him
💞 Rely upon Him
💞 Trust Him, the Most Mercifu