Virtue of Surat Zilzaal

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💡 Wise Insights
📖 Virtue of Surat Zilzaal

🌹 السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ

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📌 Surat #99
📌 Revealed in Madina
📌 Verses 8

🌹 Imam Sadiq (as),
Do not be tired of reciting Sura al-Zilzaal because one who recites this surah in his mustahabb prayers will not be harmed by earthquakes, lightnings and all worldly disasters.

🌹And when he dies,
The Lord shall say: “My servant, you can chose to live in any place of the Heaven you like.”

🌹Imam Reza (as) reports from the Apostle (sa),
Reciting this surat is like reciting one fourth of the Holy Quran.
🌹Reciting this surat
x4⃣=1⃣ 📖 Holy Quran

🌹 The Prophet (sa) ,
One who offers a two rak’at prayer on Thursday nights
In both the raka’at
Recites Surat Zilzaal x15 after Surat al-Hamd
Will be protected from the horror of the grave and the Qiyamat.

🌹 Barakaat of this Surat
💭 To see wonders,💭💭
Outcome of your Hajaat and your Wishes in 💭💭 Dreams , 💭💭💭💭💭
When you place your head on the pillow … 💤💤💭💭
Recite x 7⃣ Surat Zilzaal
Then say,
«یَا مَلَائکِةَ رَبِّی بِحَقِّ هَذِهِ السُوْرَة وَ مَنْ اَنْزَلَهَا وَ مَنْ نُزِلَتْ عَلَیْهِ وَ بِحَقِّ اَسْمَاءِ الله عَلَیْکُمْ وَ آیَاتِهِ الْکَافَّةِ کُلُّها اِلّا مَا اَخْبِر تُمونِی فِی لَیْلَتِی هَذِهِ کَذَا وَ کَذَا.»
O’ my Lord’s angels, by this surat and by him upon whom it was revealed and by the names of Allah, on you and His all ayaat …!!!
This night, inform me ……… (your wish, intent, )
👆👆 Be in wudhoo

🕊 To be safe here and the Hereafter 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
🕊 For health conditions, shaking of body, this surat is very effective 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊

🕯Surat Zilzaal is a complete surat 📖
🕯 Recite it for prosperity and success 🔑

🌋الّلهُمَّ 🌟💐
🌋عَلْی 🌟💐
🌋مُحَمَّدٍ 🌟💐
🌋 فَرَجَهُم🌟

Iltemase Dua
Hayder Shirazi
