Why Walk?

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Q: Salamun alaikum Agha.
Hope you are fine.

I teach Quran in a madressa on Saturdays. I am also in charge of the activity session. For this Saturday, I am making a presentation on the Spiritual Arba’een walk from Najaf to Karbala. The first point that i would need to address is WHY WALK…? Will appreciate if you could share some points with me thru any article/ your notes/ voice msg (whatever convenient for U)…


🏴 السلام عليكم ورحمةالله

Why walk when there are faster, safer more comfortable means?

Walk … A way of portraying the greatness of Imam Husayn (as).
Imam Sajjad (as) performed as many as 25 Hajj on foot.

His ride was also with him. At times he used to ride. Wants to say that I am not a needy that I walk.

Despite the availability of the ride. I want to walk, due to the greatness of this path to the beloved mahboob.

Arbaeen … the gathering is far more than Ashura. People risk their lives, health and otherwise, yet walk … this is love, ishq.

Why waste our time walking?
And not be in the sacred shrine performing tawaf and ziyarat?

✨The effects witnessed in the walk cannot be seen in an ordinary ziyarat.
That what you would observe in the walk is not possible otherwise. One may forget the Ziyarat but not the walk that lead to the ziyarat.

In addition to this …
✨Numerous riwayaat mentioning the importance and the reward of walking to the Holy Kaba and the Imams (as) especially Imam Husayn (as), the reward mentioned a minimum of 1 Hajj and 1 Umra performed with the Prophet (sa) per step to a maximum of 90 Hajj & 90 Umras per step performed with the Prophet (sa).

This Arbaeen walk has a historical background.

✨Among the signs of a Momin is the Ziyarat of Arbaeen.

✨This massive movement is paving the way to the Imam’s arrival.

✨Lucky are those who are part of this movement, the zuwwar making arrangements for the Imam’s return.

✨The ziyarat of Arbaeen stems from one’s marefat, awareness and vision.

✨Imam Askari (as), saw this Arbaeen movement then, a thousand years ago that he such mentioned the importance of this Arbaeen Ziyarat.

✨Imam Sadiq (as) on his prayer mat, prays for those visitors, who walked, for them whose skin broke, blisters on feet, troubled their body for AbaAbdillah’s ziyarat, he prays for their forgiveness, their deen, their dunya ….

✨It is the magnetic attraction of AbaAbdillah (as), pulling the Momineen towards him.

✨This walk is a miracle walk. Without the Divine intent, such magnitude is impossible to create.

Iltemase Dua
Hayder Shirazi
🕋 Abraar.org 🍂🍃🍂🍁🍃☘