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The Angel of Death entered upon prophet Daood (as).
The prophet stood …

He (as) said,
Welcome, greetings to my brother and my beloved Malakul Mout!
Have you come to take me or to visit?

He replied, I have come to talk to you about this young man in your meeting. Ten days remain from his life. The twenty-year-old young lad had come to meet prophet Daood (as).

The prophet (as) cared and looked after the young man.
The ten days passed, and the Angel of Death did not come to the young lad.

The Angel of Death came to prophet Daood (as). He stood and said, ‘Greeting to my beloved and my brother Malakul Mout.’
‘Have you come to take or to visit?’

The Angel of Death replied,
‘I have come to inform you about this young man.’
The prophet (as) said, ‘Did you not say that his life ends in ten days? It is the sixteenth day today.

He replied, My Lord had commanded me to seize his soul. I was with him all the time. He was hungry and thirsty, he had nothing to eat nor drink. His only possession was his few remaining breaths. He passed by a needy, the needy said, By God! Help me … !!!
He took out six Dinars from his pocket and gave them to the beggar.
The beggar said, ‘May Allah extend your life and place you with prophet Daood (as) in the Heaven.’
The Almighty Lord Addressed me … O Malakul Mout! Do not kill him!
Malakul Mout said, he has nothing to eat or drink and just a few breaths that remain.

The Almighty Allah said,
Did you not see what he gave to the beggar?
He said , Yes!
Did you not hear the prayers of the beggar?
He replied, Yes!

Allah said, Go to the prophet of Allah, greet him and extend my Salaams to him and tell him, ‘Indeed the Almighty Allah has given him sixty years for the six Dinars he gave. He will not die but that he is eighty years old and he will be your companion in the Heaven, O’ Daood!’

O Lord make us among those who you look at with the look of contentment.
O Merciful of the merciful.

Sadaqa is a great task and its reward is massive.

My Salaams to My Imam in an Envelope of Noor.