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Observances – Thursday

Dua and Ziyarat for Thursday – Arabic sub English. Recital x100     لا اله الا الله الملک الحق المبین Recital x308     یــــــــــا رزاق Dua & Ziyarat Dua Kumayl Surat al-Qiyama Surat No. 75 Allah gives him the glad tiding to pass the Siraat Today’s Salat 4 Rak’at 2 x 2 In each rak’at repeat Surat Tawhid x 10...


Observances – Wednesday

Dua and Ziyarat for Wednesday – Arabic sub English. Recital x100     یا حی یاقیوم Recital x541     یا متعــــــال Dua & Ziyarat Dua Faraj Ziyarat Ameerul Momineen (as) Surat al-Hashr Surat No. 59 The creations at large send their salutations on him and seek forgiveness for him. Today’s Salat 4 Rak’at 2 x 2 In each rak’at repeat...


Observances – Tuesday

Dua and Ziyarat for Tuesday – Arabic sub English. Recital x100     یا ارحم الراحمین Recital x903     یــــــــــا قَابِض Dua & Ziyarat Ziyarat Ashura Dua Mujeer Dua Tawassul Surat Zukhruf Surat No. 43 Imam Baqir (as), One who recites Surat Zukhruff will be protected from the insects and horror of the grave. Today’s Salat 6 Rak’at 2 x...


Observances – Monday

Dua and Ziyarat for Monday – Arabic sub English. Recital x100     یا قاضی الحاجات Recital x129     یا لطیــــــــــف Dua & Ziyarat Ziyarat Ashura Dua Meraaj Ziyarat Aminullah Surat Sharh Surat No. 94 Very effective for rizq Recite x41 to achieve what you want Today’s Salat 10 Rak’at 2 x 5 In each rak’at repeat Recite Surat Tawhid...


Observances – Sunday

 Dua and Ziyarat for Sunday – Arabic sub English. Recital x100     يَاذَا الَجلاَلِ وَالِاكْرَامِ Recital x489     یا فتاح Dua & Ziyarat Ziyarat Ashura Dua Yastasheer Surat al-Rahman Surat No. 55 This Surat does not set in heart of a hypocrite. On the Day of judgement when Surat al-Rahman is inquired, Who do you intercede? Will reply,...


Observances – Saturday

Dua and Ziyarat for Saturday – Arabic sub English. Recital x100     یا رب العالمین Recital x1060     یا غنـــــــــے Dua & Ziyarat Hadith Kisa Dua Nad-e-Ali Surat Ma’arij Surat No. 70 The Merciful Allah will not inquire of his wrong. He will reside him with the Holy Prophet (sa)


Observances – Friday

Dua and Ziyarat for Friday – Arabic sub English. Recital x 100     اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَي مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ Dua & Ziyarat Dua Nudba Dua Simaat Surat Qaaf Surat No. 50 Eases the pains of death. Today’s Salat 2 Rak’at In each rak’at repeat when reciting Surat al-Hamd, repeat x100 ayat اِیّاکَ نَعبُدٌ و اِیّاکَ نَستَعین...