Towards HIM

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باسمه تعالي

🌟 Wise Insights
🌟🌟🌟 Towards HIM

💛 Why is Surat Tawhid known as Surat Ikhlaas ?

🌹 السَّلَامُ عَلَیْکُمْ وَ رَحْمَةُ اللهِ

💛 It is because this the only Surat in the Glorious Quran that purely talks about Allah.

📍No mention of the Heaven nor the Hell.
📍No talk about Prophethood nor the Imamat.
📍 Nothing else just purely
Introducing the Almighty

❤ Further amazing is,
this Surat is the ID of Allah.

❤ More interesting is …
📍In the Abjad, Arabic Numerology
The Count of Allah is 66
📍The huroof, the letters in this Surat are 66 too.

❤ More astonishing is …

📍Saying يااللّٰه ‘ Ya Allah ‘

66 after every mandatory prayer is
Extremely Effective for the acceptance of one’s hajaat, one’s needs.

Repeat ✖today …

«اَسْتَغْفِرُأللّٰهِ ألْذیٖ لا إلٰهَ إلا هُوَ الْحَیُّ الْقَیُّوم وَ أتوبُ إلَیْه.»

ALLAH I seek forgiveness,
There is no God but Him, the Living One, the All sustainer and to Him I repent.

If one’s sins were as vast as the sea bed, they will be forgiven.

🌹My Pure Salaams to MY Imam (as)
in an envelope of Noor.

🌹 Iltemase Dua
🌹 Hayder Shirazi

💞 Hope in Him
💞 Rely upon Him
💞 Trust Him, the Most Merciful